Hi All,
I'm talking to you as if you're reading this, knowing full well that nobody is yet because I haven't published it!
Anyways, now that my plans have been finalised, I will publish it and you can read my ramblings.
The plan is set - 200 miles, on my own, on my bike, on August 16th 2020.
The route will be from Yeovil, out to Sparkford, West Pennard up towards Wookey and then turn out West towards "The Levels" where I will loop around a 20 mile section several times starting and finishing at Sweet's Tea Rooms. Once I have completed this section (and after a good feed) I will continue south through Ashcott, Burrow Bridge, North Curry etc before finally turning east at Hatch Beauchamp and head back to Yeovil.
Thanks should be given at this point to Martin Wills for his excellent route planning skills which I have 'pinched'!
If anyone would like to join me on the road and give me a tow, you know where I will be for 14-16 hours on Sunday 16th August!