
Monday, 29 June 2020

So.... Covid-19...

Hi All.

What a strange time we've been through!  Coronavirus has scuppered many people's plans, and my charity rides are no different.

The RideLondon event has been cancelled, and due to Prudential ending their sponsorship this year, entries can't be deferred as they don't know what the set up will be next year.

With that in mind, I have changed tack slightly.  Instead of doing the 100 miler of RideLondon on the weekend of August 15/16, I have challenged myself to do TWO 100 mile rides from my home in Somerset on the same weekend.

Hopefully with lockdown easing week by week, the Isle Of Wight cycle ride can still take place the following weekend.

Cheers for anyone who's reading this, although there is nothing exciting to report yet.